29 févr. 2020

Le Reconnective Healing

La Reconnexion et le Reconnective Healing sont
pratiqués dans plus de 70 pays dans le monde

Le Reconnective Healing est souvent une expérience qui change la vie. Pour de nombreuses personnes qui traversent une phase de déséquilibre, que ce soit physique, mental, émotionnel ou même spirituel et qui se traduisent souvent par des sensations d’inconfort (pour le moins) ou de fatigue, de stress, ou encore de frustration, blocage, déprime ou burnout... Cette séance permet de restaurer

l’équilibre sur ces différents plans à la fois

A quel genre de bénéfices pourrait-on s’attendre après une séance Reconnective Healing ?

• Un état général de bien-être, légèreté et de détente
• Une connexion corps-esprit retrouvée
• Une diminution du stress
• Une profonde relaxation
• Un soulagement des douleurs 

• La libération de problèmes émotionnels
• Une amélioration des relations personnelles et familiales, professionnelles
• Un sentiment de paix intérieure
• Une plus grande clarté d’esprit et une amélioration de la concentration

La Reconnexion Personnelle

Si vous êtes sur un chemin de développement personnel avec le désir de vous réaliser, c’est véritablement comme mettre le turbo avec une capacité à faire des choix avec plus de clarté et de facilité. Elle permet véritablement de vous «propulser sur votre chemin de vie». (s'effectue sur deux séances rapprochées, maximum de 2 nuits entre les deux).

Bien souvent, des opportunités vont se présenter comme par magie, vous allez rencontrer des personnes qui vont vous aider à avancer - peut-être tout simplement parce que votre esprit sera plus ouvert pour les distinguer alors qu’auparavant il les rejetait et ne les voyait même pas ... Tout ne sera pas sans effort, ni obstacles et cela ne dispense pas de continuer à faire un travail sur soi (ce n'est pas une baguette magique non plus), mais il se peut que vous constatiez que de nombreux blocages, résistances ont disparus et que les choses sont beaucoup plus fluides et faciles qu’auparavant.

Avertissement : « En tant que praticienne de la Reconnexion® et de Reconnective Healing®, je ne fais aucune promesse ou déclaration, n’offre aucune garantie en rapport avec un diagnostic médical ou un traitement médical et ne pose en aucun cas un diagnostic, ni ne traite aucun problème de santé particulier. Votre traitement médical, celui de votre enfant ou de votre animal et son suivi restent sous votre entière responsabilité »

Physiological changes in energy healers during self-practice.



The physiological status of energy healers during self-practice (activating the healing state without the presence of a recipient) has rarely been examined. This study assessed self practice-related changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in Reiki Masters and advanced Reconnective Healers.


Measurements of heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV) and cutaneous blood perfusion of the fingers, of 31 Reiki masters and 50 experienced Reconnective Healers were made before, during and after self-practice. Corresponding measurements were made on 32 control subjects, who gazed at a calming picture in place of self-practice.


Experiments were conducted in a laboratory setting.


During self-practice by Reconnective Healers, the average HR did not change significantly compared to control subjects but the average HRV and the root mean square of successive differences in inter-beat interval (RMSSD) decreased by 11ms (95% CI 0.6, 4.6, p=0.009) and 13ms (95% CI 0.2, 4.1, p=0.031) more than in control subjects, respectively, indicating reduced parasympathetic nervous activity. Reiki Masters showed no significant change in HR, HRV or RMSSD compared to control subjects. Cutaneous blood perfusion increased during self-practice relative to control subjects in both Reconnective Healers (6.5%; p=0.012) and Reiki Masters (13.7%; p<0.001).


Contrary to expectations, neither Reconnective Healers nor Reiki practitioners appear to enter a more physiologically relaxed state during self-practice although there is a local peripheral vasodilatation that is probably mediated by humoral agents.

Comparison of physical therapy with energy healing for improving range of motion in subjects with restricted shoulder mobility.


Two forms of energy healing, Reconnective Healing (RH) and Reiki, which involves light or no touch, were tested for efficacy against physical therapy (PT) for increasing limited range of motion (ROM) of arm elevation in the scapular plane. Participants were assigned to one of 5 groups: PT, Reiki, RH, Sham Healing, or no treatment. Except for no treatment, participants were blinded as to grouping. Range of Motion, self-reported pain, and heart rate variability (HRV) were assessed before and after a 10-minute session. On average, for PT, Reiki, RH, Sham Healing, and no treatment, respectively, ROM increased by 12°, 20°, 26°, 0.6°, and 3° and pain score decreased by 11.5%, 10.1%, 23.9%, 15.4%, and 0%. Physical therapy, Reiki, and RH were more effective than Sham Healing for increasing ROM (PT: F = 8.05, P = 0.008; Reiki: F = 10.48, P = 0.003; RH: F = 30.19, P < 0.001). It is possible that this improvement was not mediated by the myofascial release because the subjects' HRV did not change, suggesting no significant increase in vagal activity. Sham treatment significantly reduced pain compared to no treatment (F = 8.4, P = 0.007) and was just as effective as PT, Reiki, and RH. It is the authors' opinion that the accompanying pain relief is a placebo effect.

Biofield-based therapies: a systematic review of physiological effects on practitioners during healing.



Several recent reviews have reached guardedly positive conclusions about the effectiveness of biofield therapies in healthcare.(1,2) These studies mainly involved randomized controlled trials to determine changes in condition-related outcome measures, but few addressed the biological basis of these effects.


We performed a systematic review of studies designed to examine whether biofield therapists undergo physiological changes as they enter the healing state. If reproducible changes can be identified, they may serve as markers to reveal events that correlate with the healing process.


Databases were searched for controlled or non-controlled studies of biofield therapies in which physiological measurements were made on practitioners in a healing state, with or without a healee present. Design and reporting criteria, developed in part to reflect the pilot nature of the included studies, were applied using a yes (1.0), partial (0.5), or no (0) scoring system.


Of 67 identified studies, the inclusion criteria were met by 22, 10 of which involved human healees. Overall, the studies were of moderate to poor quality and many omitted information about the training and experience of the healer. The most frequently measured biomarkers were electroencephalography (EEG) and heart rate variability (HRV). EEG changes were inconsistent and not specific to biofield therapies. HRV results suggest an aroused physiology for Reconnective Healing, Bruyere healing, and Hawaiian healing but no changes were detected for Reiki or Therapeutic Touch.


Despite a decades-long research interest in identifying healing-related biomarkers in biofield healers, little robust evidence of unique physiological changes have emerged to define the healer's ׳ state.

An Integrative Review of Scientific Evidence for Reconnective Healing.



Biofield therapies offer a novel, non-invasive approach to treating chronic diseases based on assessing and adjusting an individual's physiological and emotional responses through their bio-energetic field. Reconnective Healing (RH) is defined as: "…not just energy healing, but instead a more comprehensive spectrum of healing composed of energy, light, and information."


Several biofield therapies, such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Johrei, have already been reviewed in the literature but RH has received little attention even though it is taught and practiced worldwide. This review provides a critical assessment of RH as a healing modality.


Scientific research articles published in peer-reviewed journals addressing RH were identified using relevant databases and archives. Information was extracted from each article that met selection criteria for evaluation of quality of reporting and design. This review summarizes and critically evaluates the five currently published peer-reviewed research papers involving RH and assesses whether RH provides consistent physiological outcomes between the studies.


These results, taken together, suggest: (i) exposure of a healer or healee to RH, either directly or indirectly, amplifies their degree of autonomic arousal and energy, (ii) RH can reduce pain and improve range of motion in people with shoulder limitations, and (iii) when individuals experience RH as a group, their autonomic nervous systems simultaneously show sudden similar responses consistent with the idea that RH is mitigated by entrainment of biofields.


Since these studies are extremely varied in design it is not possible at this point to reach conclusions about the general effectiveness of RH. More clinical and physiological research performed on different populations under a range of conditions is needed in order to support this healthcare approach.